Live via MI5
UK National Threat Level

In our commitment to fostering a safe and secure environment for all, we are able to provide you with the current UK National Threat Level. This dynamically updated information will help you stay informed and prepared, as the threat level reflects the likelihood of a terrorist attack in the UK.
In the event of an elevated threat level, we urge you to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities. Together, we can contribute to the safety and security of our community.
Remember, your safety is our priority.
The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) has launched ACT in a BOX
This immersive digital tool enables businesses to rehearse and explore their response to a fictional terrorist incident at or near their premises.
Regularly exercising your response to a terrorist incident is an important tool for increasing preparedness. There are many types of exercise available, from discussion-based walkthroughs to complex live events.
A good quality exercise can help you to:
Identify gaps in awareness or knowledge
Familiarise or train staff in appropriate response actions
Clarify roles and responsibilities
Positively engage all staff and create a good security culture
Tests and exercises can also be used as part of a process to validate and refine your security plans and onsite equipment. ACT in a BOX is now available on the ProtectUK website.
Counter Terrorism Education
Discover a curated selection of informative videos on counter-terrorism below, offering expert insights and knowledge to help you stay aware and vigilant in the current security climate.
We highly recommend taking part in ACT (Action Counters Terrorism) training courses to enhance your awareness and capabilities in responding to the ever-changing threat landscape in the UK.
There are two types of ACT training available: ACT Awareness and ACT Security. ACT Awareness is open to everyone and is designed to equip you with essential knowledge to better understand, recognise, and react to terrorism-related threats. On the other hand, ACT Security is geared towards professionals in the security industry and requires a company PIN code for access, which your employing company will provide. Both courses offer invaluable insights and practical skills, and we believe that everyone should take advantage of these outstanding resources to contribute to collective security. To carry out either of these courses see the ACT website
Alternatively, why not view the Counter Terrorism Training Course offered through the Gardant Training Academy.
Counter Terrorism Training
Counter Terrorism Education
Counter Terrorism Education

Life Has No Rewind Button (2020) | Action Counters Terrorism

ACT Early | How Prevent Works

See, Check and Notify (SCaN) explained